Coaching with Tamekia Bynum-Lesure

Are you ready to accept your past, identify your purpose and re-write your HerStory? Have you ever asked yourself, "Who am I ?" By not knowing the answer to this question, you continue creating new identities of yourself, consequently going farther away from who you are.

Private Coaching is one of the most powerful tools for personal, business and professional development. I invite you to consider stepping into your life today. There is no right or wrong way to create and live your best life. You get to decide what you want and when you want it.

Your Story...

  • Your past experiences and memories are keeping you in bondage.
  • You are ashamed and embarrassed about your choices.
  • You are afraid of how your truth will affect your family.
  • Your self-doubt is keeping you from starting your business.
  • Your career is suffering because you can't get out of your own way.
  • You know you have been called to greater but can't seem to discover it.

My Story...

I'm a woman of God, wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, author, and a life transformation strategist. HerStorySpeaks was created because I believe a woman's story is attached directly to her purpose. Our purpose helps to identify our intentions and goals for our life.

I understand that for women like you to become the best version of yourself, it takes becoming who you truly are on this journey called life. The transformation. A powerful thing happens when you do the work to accept your past, identify your purpose, and re-write your HerStory. What will the world get when you promise not to sell yourself short?

The Story of Us...

This personal coaching is for women who can't answer the question, Who Am I?. They are fed-up with being identified by their past and are sick and tired of other people telling their stories. They have wanted to step out on faith and pursue the dreams inside of them but are fearful of being judged and worried about what others will think. Your story is your power! Embrace it!... And start changing the course of your HerStory!

Before your session...

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