HerStorySpeaks, is an 8-week online coaching program that is a journey into your self, your beliefs, origins, fears, and hopes---pursued through intense discussions, mindset work, self-reflections, generational investigations, and hands-on experiences. This program will Educate and Empower women to identify their purpose through the power of their story. Your story will empower you to act beyond it. It will broaden your perspective about your life and what you were created to do with it. Your story reveals who you are. Knowing who you are causes you to take action. Taking action requires you to start taking steps toward your goals and to start trying new things. The experience is the reward; clarity comes through the process of exploring. Action is where you get results. This 8-week online program is broken down by 4-weeks of self-paced curriculum, 8-weeks of live group coaching +Q&A calls via zoom, and a 30-day challenge to finish the program strong. This program is NOT going to be EASY. It's time to re-write your HerStory...


Hey HerStorian! I'm Tamekia Bynum-Lesure and I've worked to empower and educate women for 10+ years. I am definitely the poster child for forgiving and letting shit go. So yes, I can teach you how to accept your past, identify your power, and start writing your HerStory. In 2012 I decided to stop being who everyone else told me I was. I decided to find out who I was by researching my past, asking the hard questions, and learning to forgive when the answers I received broke my heart. Through all of this, I was able to recognize my pain as my power. It helped me to use my strengths and weaknesses to find my purpose.After doing the hard work of dealing with my past, forgiving, and taking responsibility for my own actions and way of thinking...my life changed. I was able to break the generational chains attached to me, understand my purpose, and create my own way. I was no longer what others called me, I became the author of my story. After experiencing how powerful this transformation was for me, I knew exactly what God intended for me to do when he spoke and I've been empowering, encouraging, and educating women every since. 



This program is for women who can't answer the question, Who Am I?. They are fed-up with being identified by their past and are sick and tired of other people telling their stories. They have wanted to step out on faith and pursue the dreams inside of them but are fearful of being judged and worried about what others will think. Your story is your power! Embrace it!... And start changing the course of your HerStory!


After completing HerStorySpeaks, a woman will have found her voice. By telling the truth about who she really is and not leaving anything out will bring her strength and not shame. She will create a deliberate and thought-out life, listening to herself and then making choices. She will ask herself what she's doing and will understand the reasons behind the actions she takes. She will be released from bondage and fear of judgement. She will use her heart and not her head to access her true purpose and passion. She will start taking steps to do what she loves. She will know who she is. Knowing who she is will cause her to take action. She will start taking steps toward her goals and the life God promised her. With strength and courage, she will break the chains attached to her and start building a legacy. This woman cannot be stopped, she's changing her HerStory.


4 weeks of self paced course curriculum

Weekly Exercises and course work/assignments + workbooks for each week

30-day challenge with modules + workbook

8-Weeks of LIVE Group Q&A + Coaching Calls

Connection with your course sisters via our private FB group + group coaching calls

A HerStorySpeaks "SWAG" box I send to all course students who pay in full

**Bonus: an opportunity to be a featured author in my next anthology project HerStory Vol. 2, a book that gives an up- close look inside the lives of women, sharing their story of becoming the woman God created her to be, and the unbelievable journey it took to get there. *Royalties Included*